Just miscellaneous pictures that do not fit elsewhere.

Photography course, London, May 2009. Taken by turning the camera through 90 degree's clockwise, while the shutter is open. Hand held. Settings - Manual Exposure, 1/20th second, f11.0, ISO 100, focal length 23.0 mm.

Photography course, London, May 2009. Taken by turning the zoom quickly while the shutter is open. Cannot remember if it was zooming out or in. I think it was out. Hand held. Settings - Manual Exposure, 1/20th second, f14.0, ISO 100.
Some moon shots I took in late October 2009. The camera is tri-pod mounted and the zoom was set to 271 mm in both photos. The camera has an image conversion factor of 1.6, so that makes the zoom 434 mm. I have used Photoshop to zoom in to the photos and refine some of the detail.
Experimenting with Black & White.
Farnborough Air Show - July 2010
Arrived at the show late, so did not get any photos of the Red Arrows, as they were performing as I arrived. As one would expect, it was a spectacular performance. Also, still learning my photography, so a lot of my pictures did not come out that well. Photographing high speed moving objects is not that easy.